"Integrated Cyberattack Detection and Handling for Nonlinear Systems with Evolving Pro . . ." by Keshav Kasturi Rangan, Henrique Oyama et al.

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Safety-critical processes are becoming increasingly automated and connected. While automation can increase effciency, it brings new challenges associated with guaranteeing safety in the presence of uncertainty especially in the presence of control system cyberattacks. One of the challenges for developing control strategies with guaranteed safety and cybersecurity properties under suffcient conditions is the development of appropriate detection strategies that work with control laws to prevent undetected attacks that have immediate closed-loop stability consequences. Achieving this, in the presence of uncertainty brought about by plant/model mismatch and process dynamics that can change with time, requires a fundamental understanding of the characteristics of attacks that can be detected with reasonable detection mechanisms and characterizing and verifying system safety properties when cyberattacks and changing system behavior cannot be distinguished. Motivated by this, this paper discusses three cyberattack detection strategies for nonlinear processes whose dynamics change with time when these processes are operated under an optimization-based control strategy known as Lyapunov-based economic model predictive control (LEMPC) until the closedloop state either leaves a characterizable region of state-space or an attack detection threshold related to state estimates or state predictions is exceeded. Following this, the closed-loop state is maintained within a larger region of operation under an updated cyberattack detection strategy for a characterizable time period. A Taylor series-based model is used for making state predictions to allow theoretical guarantees to be explicitly tied to the numerical approximation of the model used within the LEMPC. A process example illustrates the Taylor series-based model concept.


Information Security | Systems and Communications | Systems Engineering


© 2021. This is the final accept version, after peer review but prior to copyediting or typesetting, of an article appearing in Chemical Engineering Research and Design. It is licensed under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
