"Assemblage, Sourcework, Ritual: Dictee " by Spencer Lee-Lenfield

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Author Biography

Spencer Lee-Lenfield is a postdoctoral associate of the Department of Comparative Literature at Harvard University (assistant professor beginning fall 2025). Their research has previously appeared in Modern Language Quarterly, Poetics Today, and PMLA.


This essay identifies a number of heretofore unknown source materials for Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s 1982 work Dictee and draws those sources together into a reading of Dictee through the lens of assemblage theory to develop a fuller picture of Cha’s extremely eclectic intellectual life. Elucidating Cha’s sources helps show how in Dictee she layers the ritual practices of a bewilderingly diverse range of eras and cultures into a composite text that becomes a novel ritual of her own devising.

Image 1. El Castillo hand print.jpg (2046 kB)
Handprint from El Castillo. Originally in Sergio Ripoll et al., “Hands Stencils in El Castillo Cave (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain),” Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 87 (2021): 65 (Fig. 11).

Image 2. Francis Frith, Colossi and Sphinx.jpg (1701 kB)
Francis Frith. “Colossi and Sphynx at Wady Saboua, Nubia.” Originally in: Upper Egypt and Ethiopia. London: William Mackenzie, 1857. From the United States Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. <www.loc.gov/item/00652610/>.

Image 3. 十四經發揮 (Waseda University Library).jpg (5157 kB)
Hua Shou (滑壽). Shisijing fahui (十四經發揮). From the library of Waseda University (Japan), as available via Creative Commons License through the Wikimedia Foundation. Page 15. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:WUL-ya09_00703_十四經發揮.pdf&page=15.

Image 4. Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux, Archives du Carmelites de Lisieux.jpg (622 kB)
Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux dressed as Joan of Arc, January 21, 1895. Reproduced with permission of the Archives du Carmelites de Lisieux.

Image 5. La Vie Illustrée 320, 1904.12.02.jpg (5831 kB)
Lyonel Perrache, "La cruauté japonaise. -- Les cibles vivantes," La vie illustrée 320, 2 December 1904. From the Modern History Memorial Hall (Korea), mhmh.or.kr.

Image 6. Kwanghwamun, in Asahi Shinbun -- From 독립기념과, authorized.jpg (2459 kB)
"Honjitsu-wa Ritai ōdenka kokusōgi" [“Today: national funeral ceremony for the Yi kings”; 本日は李太王殿下国葬儀]. Asahi Shimbun. Photograph by a special correspondent surnamed Yamamoto. Osaka, Morning Edition. 3 March 1919. Page 7. Also printed in the Tokyo morning edition of 4 March, page 5.

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