
Guidelines for the Submission of Manuscripts

Criticism is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for current scholarship on literature, media, music, and visual culture. A place for rigorous theoretical and critical debate as well as formal and methodological self-reflexivity and experimentation, Criticism aims to present contemporary thought at its most vital.

Submissions of between 8,000 and 10,000 words (including endnotes) along with an abstract should be uploaded through the Criticism Digital Commons website. Manuscripts should be prepared with 12-point type, double spaced, with one-inch margins. Notes should appear at the end of the essay, in the same font size as the text, and double spaced. Only original articles that are not simultaneously under consideration by another journal will be considered. Submissions should not have been previously published.

Style Criticism uses the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) as its main reference. The journal uses endnotes (without a bibliography) for documentation. The first citation to a work requires a full citation; subsequent citations are shortened (last name, short title, page number). Follow Chicago, Chapter 14, for the form of all citations. Articles must be formatted in Microsoft Word. Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review (i.e. without any reference to the author’s identity).

Images and Permissions for Copyrighted Materials Criticism can reproduce graphics in black-and-white. Authors are responsible for providing digital images or glossy prints, securing permission to reproduce illustrations, and paying any required fees. Please provide proof of copyright clearance upon acceptance.