"Peeking into Closets . . ." by Karenza Sutton-Bennett

Document Type

Book Review

Author Biography

Karenza Sutton-Bennett is an independent scholar whose doctorate is from University of Ottawa. Her dissertation is titled “The Female Guise: The Untold Story of Female Education in English Periodicals,” and her research focuses on textual and visual representations of women learning in female-penned periodicals. Her research interests include the history of education, cultural studies, theater studies, and women’s writing. She is the coeditor (with Kelly Plante) of the open-access digital edition of Charlotte Lennox’s The Lady’s Museum; in 2023, the edition won the ASECS Women’s Caucus Editing and Translation Fellowship. Karenza’s publications include “Intellect versus Politeness: Charlotte Lennox and Women’s Minds,” published in the journal Eighteenth-Century Fiction and “Teaching the Lady’s Museum and Sophia: Imperialism, Early Feminism, and Beyond,” coauthored with Susan Carlile and published in Aphra Behn Online.


A Review of Danielle Bobker's The Closet: The Eighteenth-Century Architecture of Intimacy
