Document Type
Book Review
Spenserian Poetics: Idolatry, Iconoclasm, and Magic (Kenneth Gross) (Reviewed by Jonathan Goldberg, The John Hopkins University)
The Social Vision of William Blake (Michael Ferber) (Reviewed by Karen Shabetai, University of Washington)
The Industrial Reformation of English Fiction: Social Discourse and Narrative Form, 1832-1867 (Catherine Gallagher) (Reviewed by John Kucich, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Charlotte Brontë and Sexuality (John Maynard) (Reviewed by Martha Vicinus, University of Michigan)
Henry James: The Writer and His Work (Tony Tanner) (Reviewed by George Bishop, Daemen College)
Wallace Stevens: A Mythology of Self (Milton J. Bates) (Reviewed by John N. Serio, Clarkson University)
Why Nietzsche Now? (Daniel O'Hara) (Reviewed by John McGowan, University of Rochester)
Nietzsche: Life as Literature (Alexander Nehamas) (Reviewed by John McGowan, University of Rochester)
Recommended Citation
Editors, Criticism
"Book Reviews,"
Criticism: Vol. 28:
3, Article 6.
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