"Implementing Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Wayne State Universit . . ." by Erin E. Centeio and Nate McCaughtry

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Comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAPs) have been highlighted by numerous public health and education agencies for their potential to improve the health and academic achievement of American youth. A CSPAP integrates physical activity throughout the school environment before, during and after school by engaging educators, children, families and community organizations. As the design, implementation and evaluation of effective CSPAP programs has inched forward, so has the call for physical education teacher education (PETE) programs to prepare the next generation of physical educators with the skills and knowledge needed to one day lead CSPAP efforts in K-12 schools. The purpose of this article is to showcase efforts in the PETE program at Wayne State University (WSU) to embed CSPAP training into the preparation of future teachers. The WSU PETE program is in the middle of programmatic reform to integrate CSPAP content and professional experiences in three ways. First, CSPAP training is integrated into many existing courses, from content instruction to methods, using lectures, discussion and various assignments. Second, PETE students are required to engage in the CSPAP research projects being conducted by the WSU Center for School Health. Third, PETE majors are required to be certified as physical activity leaders (PALs). Together, these three CSPAP training approaches allow PETE students to learn CSPAP through traditional university-based strategies, view schools in the midst of CSPAP reform initiatives, and graduate with national-level certification as PALs.


Education | Health and Physical Education | Kinesiology | Sports Sciences


This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance on January 5, 2017, available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/07303084.2017.1250536.
