Psychometric Properties of the Abbreviated Perceived Motivational Climate in Exercise Questionnaire
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The purpose of this study was to develop an abbreviated version of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Exercise Questionnaire (PMCEQ-A) to provide a more practical instrument for use in applied exercise settings. In the calibration step, 2 shortened versions’ measurement and latent model values were compared to each other and the original PMCEQ using a 3-group CFA invariance testing approach with previously collected exercise setting data (N = 5,427). Based on the model fit and reliability values, the 12-item version performed better than the 17-item version. The resultant 12-item PMCEQ-A’s CFA model estimates were then compared to the PMCEQ’s model values for 2 different, previously conducted studies of exercise settings (N = 414 and 770). The more parsimonious 12-item PMCEQ-A can be used by exercise psychology researchers to gain insight into members’ perspectives on the motivational climate and may lead to developing effective strategies to enhance members’ experiences and commitment.
Education | Kinesiology | Sports Sciences
Recommended Citation
Moore, E. W. G., Brown, T. C., & Fry, M. D. (2015). Psychometric properties of the abbreviated perceived motivational climate in exercise questionnaire. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19(4), 186-199. doi: 10.1080/1091367X.2015.1072819
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science on 9 Oct 2015, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/1091367X.2015.1072819.