
Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Counseling Students’ Self-Efficacy: Comparative Contributions Of Emotional Intelligence, Student Perception Of Supervisory Working Alliance, Age, And Gender, Jennifer Lynn Elliott


The Impact Of Behavioral Sleep Education On Undergraduate University Students’ Perceived Stress And Sleep Quality: A Randomized, Controlled Trial, Zeina Ghoul


A Phenomenological Exploration Of Counselor Education Faculty Experiences Of Instructional Transitions Due To Covid-19, Brandon Keene-Orton

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Problem Solving, Attachment, And Anxiety In Motor Vehicle Accident Survivors With Ptsd, Kristina Anna Jurkovic

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Experiences, Perceptions And The Roles Of Trauma, Migration Stress And Services Amoung Syrians Refugees Who Resettled In Southeast Michigan, Loubna Alkhayat-Hatahet

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


A Pilot Study Of The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma Among Prisoners And The Types Of Crimes Committed By Those Prisoners, Kathleen M. Schaefer

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


To What Extent Does Clinical Supervision And Experience Relate To The Self-Efficacy Of Counselors-In-Training, Thomas Michalos


Reconnecting With Self: Using Metaphor And Arts-Based Inquiry With Acquired Injury And Illness, Julie Moreno

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Intimate Partner Violence (ipv) Counselor Education: Exploring Opinions, Knowledge And Perceived Preparedness To Counsel Ipv Clients, Alvis Talata Ayaba-Apawu


Examining The Relationship Between Mental Health Professionals Knowledge And Beliefs As Predictors Of Attitudes Toward The Deaf, Pearl M. Weiss

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


The Efficacy Of A Crisis Intervention And Resilience Building Training Program For Counselors-In-Training, Sameerah Sue Davenport

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Process Group Vs. Skills Group Modalities In The Treatment Of Individuals Diagnosed With Major Depressive Disorder, Kirk David Duncan


The Effects Of A Career-Planning Course On Community College Students' Career Self-Efficacy And Career Indecisiveness, Jefferey Samuel Lip


A Pilot Study To Determine The Value Of Bilingual Counseling In A High School Where The Student Population Is Predominately Spanish/english Bilingual, Terrence Michael Mccabe


A Study Of The Relationship Between Resilience And Job Satisfaction In Direct Care Workers Who Work With Traumatic Brain Injured Clients, Michele Terese White

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


The Relationship Between Generalized Anxiety Disorder In Women And Hormonal Imbalances, Self-Efficacy And Lifestyle: Implications For Licensed Professional Counselors And Counselor Educators, Gillian Bernadette Robbins

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


The impact of spirituality on the self-reported recovery of adults who experienced childhood trauma, Chijioke Alphonsus Chigbo


The effects of two group counseling interventions on arab-american high school students' perceptions of their primary relationships (parent, teacher, peer), Nuzmeya Bader Elder


Exploring the relationship between pre service school counselor's academic training and reported levels of multicultural competence as predictors of attitudes toward inclusion, Rachael Annette Evans


The relationship of rehabilitation counselors' knowledge of the americans with disabilities act 1990, attitudes toward reasonable accommodation, and job development efficacy, Joy Elizabeth Inniss-johnson


The Effect Of Grief And Loss Training For Student Counselors On Grief Counseling Comfort Level In Two Educational Settings, Selin Sertgoz

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Personality characteristics effects on supervisory working alliance and counselor trainees' skill development, Michelle Marlene Corbin


Effects of a group counseling career intervention on the hopefulness and future orientation of at-risk middle school students, Amy Kathryn Macey


Effects of two group approaches on life satisfaction and mood of older females in nursing homes, Bede Redpath Ryan

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


The Effects Of Gestalt And Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Group Interventions On The Assertiveness And Self-Esteem Of Women With Physical Disabilities Facing Abuse, Cilene Susan Adam Rita


The Relationships Among School Counselors' Multicultural Competence, Demographic Data And Ethical Decision-Making, Laura Ann Strong


The Effects Of Education On The Attitudes Of Counselors In Training Toward Alcoholism, Pamela Sue Van Kampen

Theses/Dissertations from 2003


Awareness training : an intervention prescribed to address deficit awareness and psychosocial adjustment with traumatic brain-injured adults, Diane Margaret. Drouillard


The effects of reality therapy group counseling on the self-determination of persons with developmental disabilities, Daniel H. Lawrence


The effects of reality therapy group counseling on the self-determination of persons with developmental disabilities [i.e. disabilities], Daniel H. Lawrence

Theses/Dissertations from 2002


The effects of dreamwork and cognitive restructuring groups on the locus of control and self-awareness of female college athletes, Marchelle Rene. Lane


The effects of cognitive didactic and gestalt psychodrama group counseling on stress and self-efficacy of counselor trainees, Shirley Ann. Mack


The impact of adding personal counseling to traditional career services for unemployed middle-aged adults, Mary P. McDougall


The effects of a human sexuality seminar on the knowledge, attitude, and moral development of counseling professionals, Laura Leticia. Rodriguez-Kitkowski


Effects of supervisor instructional and trainee learning styles in counselor education /, Mahasin Mekani. Tatone

Theses/Dissertations from 2001


Sequential supervisory styles : examining the impact on counselor development, Nancy G. Calley


Facilitating moral development in convicted sexual offenders, Dean R. Cauley


The effectiveness of existential art therapy on locus of control, self-efficacy, and self-esteem on the mobility and cognitions of individuals diagnosed with panic disorder, Jennifer Page. Crystal


The effects of a computerized vocational guidance system on adolescent career development, Victor L. Kennerly


The effects of premarital counseling on marital satisfaction, Errol E. Liverpool


Personal self-disclosure versus didactic supervision : examining the impact on counselor training, Darlene K. Maxey


The utilization of employee assistance program services by managers, James G. Panks

Theses/Dissertations from 2000


The effects of brief behavioral individual and group counseling on the self-esteem and retention of African American adult basic education students, Tyrone L. Bell


The effects of a self-determination intervention on youth explanatory style and depressive features, David G. Bruno


The role of perceived cognitive and environmental barriers on the career choices of community college women, Nicole Marie. Kassab


The effects of immediate individual supervision compared to delayed individual supervision on anxiety, self-efficacy, and basic skill competency of counselors in training, Patricia Anne. Pich


The effects of feedback training in practicum and internship group supervision on the corrective feedback and self-disclosure of counselor trainees, Katherine Glenn. Van Hull

Theses/Dissertations from 1999


The effects of existential-phenomenological group counseling on locus of control, self-efficacy, and aggression in police officers, James R. Barren


Kin selection : a study of odor recognition, preference, and emotional closeness as a function of genetic similarity, James A. Gall


A comparison of the effects of a gender-specific and traditional model of substance abuse treatment within the therapeutic community on treatment success, William Leslie. Harshman


Self-esteem, self-efficacy, and purpose and meaning in life among recovering alcoholics in alcoholics anonymous, Victoria Young. Junior


Treating dually diagnosed clients with assertive community treatment and broker case management :, Colin F. King

Theses/Dissertations from 1998


An investigation of the effects of selected factors on the success of black college students as compared to the general population at a predominantly white institution, Cheri Yevette. Anderson


A comparison of the effects of life review and reminiscence group counseling on depression, life satisfaction and self-esteem of older persons, Harry E. Capps


The relationship of childhood physical abuse on the aggressiveness and drug taking self-efficacy of substance abusers, Andrew J. Gust


The effects of peer group supervision and individual supervision on the anxiety, self-efficacy, and basic skill competency of counselor trainees in practicum, Wendy E. Singo