"Book Reviews " by Antipodes Editors


Collected Stories (Janette Turner Hospital) (Reviewed by David Callahan, University of Aveiro, Portugal)

All That False Instruction (Kerryn Higgs) (Reviewed by Claudia Skutar, University of Cincinnati)

Collected Stories (Liam Davison) (Reviewed by Pradeep Trikha, Dayanand College, Ajmer, India)
Flight Animals (Bronwyn Lea) (Reviewed by Sarah Perrier, University of Cincinnati)

Night of Warehouses: New and Selected Poems (Stephen Oliver) (Reviewed by Werner Senn, University of Berne)

No Joke (Mark Pirie) (Reviewed by Todd Kolloff, University of Cincinnati)

Flame Tree (Kevin Hart) (Reviewed by Jacques Khalip, Duke University)

New Music: An Anthology of Contemporary Australian Poetry (John Leonard, ed.) (Reviewed by Debbie Cornerford, University of Southern Queensland)

Days That We Couldn't Rehearse (Peter Bakowski) (Reviewed by Sarah Perrier, University of Cincinnati)

Raven Road (Cassandra Pybus) (Reviewed by Roberta Buffi, Madrid)

Architecture from the Outside: Essays on Virtual and Real Space (Elizabeth Grosz) (Reviewed by Udo Greinacher, University of Cincinnati)

Faking Literature (K.K. Ruthven) (Reviewed by W.L. Godshalk, University of Cincinnati)

Each Wild Idea: Writing Photography History (Geoffrey Batchen) (Reviewed by Jon Hughes, University of Cincinnati)

Words for Country: Landscape and Language in Australia (Tim Bonyhady and Tom Griffiths, eds.) (Reviewed by Zachary A. Smith, Northern Arizona University)

Blood, Sweat and Welfare (Mary Anne Jebb) (Reviewed by Jim Hoy, Emporia State University)

Fatal Collisions: The South Australian Frontier and the Violence of Memory (Robert Foster, Rick Hosking and Amanda Nettelbeck) (Reviewed by Ellen J. Kennedy, University of St. Thomas)

The Garuma Story (Garuma Elders Group, led by Peter Stevens) (Reviewed by Margery Fee, University of British Columbia)

On Not Speaking Chinese: Living Between Asia and the West (Ien Ang) (Reviewed by Sunn Shelley Wong, Cornell University)

George Turner: A Life (Judith Raphael Buckrich) (Reviewed by Annegret Maack, Wuppertal, Germany)
