Submitting Manuscripts | Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature | WSU Press | Wayne State University

Submission Guidelines

Antipodes, the official journal of the American Association of Australasian Literary Studies, is published twice per year in June and December.

Although behind schedule, Antipodes encourages the submission of scholarly essays on a wide range of literary and cultural works with a connection to Australia and/or Aotearoa New Zealand. The journal continues to publish its unique blend of scholarly work with new creative prose and poetry, a combination that is core to the identity and reputation of Antipodes.

  • Scholarly essays can be submitted at any time
  • Poetry submissions are being accepted
  • Creative prose (fiction, non-fiction, memoir) is being accepted
  • Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted; however, persons interested in writing reviews should complete this form: [google doc]

Proposals for special topics can be sent to the editor at

Information for Submitting Critical Essays and Interviews to Antipodes:

All critical essays should be submitted through the website. Inquiries may be sent via email to Antipodes Editor Brenda Machosky at Essays should be a minimum of 4,500 words and not exceed 7,000 words, must not be previously published, nor should they be submitted for publication elsewhere while being reviewed by the Antipodes editorial board or outside readers. With the exception of special issues, articles are not accepted for any specific issue; depending on circumstances, they will most likely appear within a year of acceptance. Essays must also conform to MLA (9th Edition) style.

Any images or copyright material to appear in an essay must be obtained by the author before the article is submitted to Antipodes. The editors will take no responsibility for such material. In addition, any permissions required by changes in text or presentation, or added images requested by the editors, must be obtained by the author.

Information for Contributing Creative Works to Antipodes:

  • Please submit your creative prose work (fiction or creative nonfiction) or poetry through this portal: bear in mind that the primary focus of this submission platform is scholarly articles, so ignore any fields in the submission process that do not make sense for a creative work (abstract, keywords, etc.). Do attach your work as a Word document only.
  • Under Document Type, select the appropriate category for your submission (Poetry, Fiction and Creative Nonfiction, etc.).
  • If you have not submitted through this portal before, you will need to create an account.
  • Inquiries related to poetry manuscripts should be sent to the Antipodes Poetry Editor, Nathanael O’Reilly at
  • Inquiries related to fiction and creative nonfiction manuscripts can be sent to

Creative Writing Contest Submissions

Please follow the instructions for submissions. You can skip “keywords” and other fields that are for scholarly articles. When you enter information on the submission form, you will see a box for a cover letter. Type COMPETITION and then POETRY or PROSE or INDIGENOUS.

Your submission must be a Word document and it MUST NOT include your name on the document. The contests are judged anonymously. If you include your name, your entry may be disqualified. Payment for the entry fee ($) or AAALS membership should be made via PayPal ( to

Information on Submitting a Book Review to Antipodes:

Publishers or authors wishing to have their books reviewed by Antipodes or scholars wishing to review a book in the journal should contact Reviews Editor, Richard Carr, via email at, or via mail at Richard Carr, Department of English, University of Alaska–Fairbanks, 850 Gruening, PO Box 755720, Fairbanks, AK 99775.

General Information on Submissions to Antipodes:

While critical essays are welcomed from all authors, creative works should be submitted by Australian and New Zealand writers only. Creative works submitted to Antipodes must not be previously published nor should they be under consideration elsewhere while being reviewed by the journal’s editorial board.

Antipodes publishes only fiction, poetry, articles, and interviews that have not appeared in other publications: Antipodes therefore does NOT accept simultaneous submissions. Though based in North America, we are widely read and distributed electronically in Australia and New Zealand, and the same audience who read magazines published in Australia and New Zealand will read this magazine. The globalization of publishing means that it is impossible for us to publish a story that appears in any other magazine anywhere in the world. All material is subject to editing to conform with Antipodes style. All U.S. hard copy submissions should be accompanied by a stamped return envelope. All correspondence with the Editors must be by e-mail or snail-mail. Due to international telephone costs, faxing or telephoning are impossible for the editors of Antipodes. International postage coupons are requested in order to return overseas mail. The editors and publishers of Antipodes assume no responsibility for contributors' opinions.