
Document Type

Book Review


Hippolyta's View: Some Christian Aspects of Shakespeare's Plays (J. A. Bryant) (Reviewed by Walter F. Staton, Jr., Southern Illinois University)

The Pattern of Hardy's Poetry (Samuel Hynes)
Selected Poems of Thomas Hardy (ed. and intro. John Crowe Ransom)
(Reviewed by James Wright, University of Minnesota)

The Imagination as a Means at Grace: Locke and the Aesthetics of Romanticism (Ernest Lee Tuveson) (Reviewed by Edward Emley, Eastern Michigan University)

The Plays of T. S. Eliot (David E. Jones) (Reviewed by Alfred Schwarz, Wayne State University)

The Imagination of Disaster: Evil in the Fiction of Henry James (J. A. Ward) (Reviewed by Peter Swiggart, University of Texas)
