"Book Reviews " by Criticism Editors

Document Type

Book Review


Milton, Poet of Duality (R. A. Shoaf) (Reviewed by Chris Kendrick, Bryn Mawr College)

Paradise Lost and the Rhetoric of Literary Forms (Barbara Kiefer Lewalski) (Reviewed by Chris Kendrick, Bryn Mawr College)

American Romanticism and the Marketplace (Michael T. Gilmore) (Reviewed by Elizabeth A. Meese, University of Alabama)

In the Circles of Fear and Desire: A Study of Gothic Fantasy (William Patrick) (Reviewed by Patrick Brantlinger, Indiana University-Bloomington)

The Theoretical Dimensions of Henry James (John Carlos Rowe) (Reviewed by Ross Posnock, University of Washington)

Henry James: Fiction As History (Ian F. A. Bell) (Reviewed by Ross Posnock, University of Washington)

Modernism and Authority: Strategies of Legitimation in Flaubert and Conrad (Mark Conroy) (Reviewed by Todd K. Bender, University of Wisconsin -- Madison)

Coercion to Speak: Conrad's Poetics of Dialogue (Aaron Fogel) (Reviewed by Todd K. Bender, University of Wisconsin -- Madison)

Beasts of the Modern Imagination: Darwin, Nietzsche, Kafka, Ernst, and Lawrence (Margot Norris) (Reviewed by Irving Massey, SUNY, Buffalo)

The Forms of Violence: Narrative in Assyrian Art and Modern Culture (Leo Bersani) (Reviewed by Geoffrey Galt Harpham, Brandeis University)
