Document Type
Book Review
Four Hundred Songs and Dances from Stuart Masque (Andrew J. Sabol) (Reviewed by Stephen Orgel, The John Hopkins University)
Dramatic Identities and Cultural Tradition: Studies in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (G. K. Hunter) (Reviewed by Leonard Tennenhouse, Wayne State University)
Visionary Poetics: Milton's Tradition and His Legacy (Joseph Anthony Wittreich, Jr.) (Reviewed by William E. Cain, Wellesley College)
On Swift's Poetry (John Irwin Fischer) (Reviewed by Carole Fabricant, University of California, Riverside)
The Poetry of Jonathan Swift: Allusion and the Development of a Poetic Style (Peter J. Schakel) (Reviewed by Carole Fabricant, University of California, Riverside)
Jane Austen's Novels: Social Change and Literary Form (Julia Prewitt Brown) (Reviewed by Alistair M. Duckworth, University of Florida)
Images of Romanticism: Verbal and Visual Affinities (Karl Kroeber) (Reviewed by W. J. T. Mitchell, The University of Chicago)
New World, New Earth: Environmental Reform in American Literature from the Puritrms through Whitman (Cecelia Tichi) (Reviewed by David Leverenz, Livingston College, Rutgers University)
The American Jeremiad (Sacvan Bercovitch Madison) (Reviewed by Terence Martin, Indiana University)
Democracy and the Novel: Popular Resistance to Classic American Writers (Henry Nash Smith) (Reviewed by Terence Martin, Indiana University)
Time and the Novel: The Genealogical Imperative (Patricia Tobin) (Reviewed by Homer Obed Brown, University of California, Irvine)
Faulkner's Narrative Poetics: Style as Vision (Arthur F. Kinney) (Reviewed by John Earl Bassett, Wayne State University)
Faulkner's Career: An Internal Literary History (Gary Lee Stonum) (Reviewed by John Earl Bassett, Wayne State University)
Recommended Citation
Editors, Criticism
"Book Reviews,"
Criticism: Vol. 21:
4, Article 5.
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