"Book Reviews " by Criticism Editors

Document Type

Book Review


Karl Marx and World Literature (S. S. Parwer) (Reviewed by Terry Eagleton, Wadham College, Oxford)

The Development of English Drama in the Late Seventeenth Century (Robert D. Hume) (Reviewed by David M. Vieth, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)

Why the Lyrical Ballads? The Background, Writing, and Character of Wordsworth's 1798 Lyrical Ballads (John E. Jordan) (Reviewed by John O. Hayden, University of California, Davis)

Whitman's Journey into Chaos: A Psychoanalytic Study of the Poetic Process (Stephen A. Black) (Reviewed by Artem Lozynsky, Temple University)

Hemingway's First War: The Making of "A Farewell to Arms" (Michael Reynolds) (Reviewed by Jeffrey Meyers, University of Colorado)

Thought, Words and Creativity: Art and Thought in Lawrence (F. R. Leavis) (Reviewed by Charles Rossman, University of Texas at Austin)

Theory of Criticism: A Tradition and its System (Murray Krieger) (Reviewed by Robert M. Strozier, Wayne State University)

The Major Film Theories: An Introduction (J. Dudley Andrew) (Reviewed by Robert T. Eberwein, Oakland University)

The Game of the Impossible: A Rhetoric of Fantasy (W. R. Irwin) (Reviewed by Charles Baxter, Wayne State University)

The Faces of Eve: Women in the Nineteenth-Century American Novel (Judith Fryer) (Reviewed by Joanne V. Creighton, Wayne State University)

English Popular Literature 1819-1851 (Louis James) (Reviewed by John R. Reed, Wayne State University)

Tennyson's Style (W. David Shaw) (Reviewed by John R. Reed, Wayne State University)

The Woman and the Myth: Margaret Fuller's Life and Writings (Bell Gale) (Reviewed by Henry Golemba, Wayne State University)

The Stormy Petrel and the Whale: Some Origins of Moby-Dick (David Jaffé) (Reviewed by Henry Golemba, Wayne State University)

The Great Feast of Language in Love's Labour's Lost (William G. Carroll) (Reviewed by Leonard Tennehouse, Wayne State University)

The Ethic of Time: Structures of Experience in Shakespeare (Wylie Sypher) (Reviewed by Leonard Tennehouse, Wayne State University)
