"Fiction " by Antipodes Editors


This great continent of a house...
Tim Winton. Cloudstreet. Melbourne: McPhee Cribble/Penguin, 1991. 426 pages.
Beth Watzke, University of Western Australia

Collection reveals the best and the worst...
Janette Turner Hospital. Isobars. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1991. 177 pages. $18.95.
Dennis Danvers, Richmond, Virginia

Thomas Keneally's existential chant...
Thomas Keneally. Flying Hero Class. New York: Warner Books, 1991. 289 pages. $19.95.
Thomas P. Coakley, United States Air Force Academy

On the way from Sri Lanka to Sydney...
Yasmine Gooneratne. A Change of Skies. Sydney: Pan Macmillian, 1991. 329 pages. A$14.95.
Nancy Schaumburger, Manhattanville College

Literary pretensions drown in a body of water...
Beverley Farmer. A Body of Water. St. Lucia: University of Queensland, 1920. 292 pages. A$ 12.95.
Nancy-Lee Jones, University of the Pacific

Slumming and printmaking draw attention...
Barbara Hanrahan. A Chelsea Girl. London: Paladin, 1989. A$12.95.
Alison Carroll. Barbara Hanrahan Printmaker. Netley, Australia: Wakefield Press, 1986. Bibliography. 108 pages.
Phyllis Fahrie Edelson, Pace University

Schemetime finds meaning in movie metaphors...
Sara Dowse. Schemetime. Melbourne: Penguin Australia, 1990. 296 pages.
Wendy Goulston, Empire State College, SUNY

A surrealistic treatment of Aboriginal mythology...
B. Wongar. Babaru. Sydney: Collins/Angus & Robertson, 1991. 99 pages. A$9.95.
Patricia Excell, Melbourne

Suppressed memories threaten a loss of identity...
Robyn Davidson. Ancestors. New York: Viking Penguin, 1989. 299 pages. $8.95.
Jeri Tanner, Texas Tech University
