"More New Publications " by Antipodes Editors


First books by latest poets...
Peter Gebhardt. Killing the Old Fool. Fairfield (Victoria): Pascoe Publishing, 1988. 54 pages.
Alex Skovron. The Rearrangement. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1988. 100 pages. $19.95.
Paul Kane, Yale University

Liars examines post-modernist Australian fiction...
Helen Daniel. Liars: Australian New Novelists. New York: Penguin, 1988. 384 pages. 8.95.
Patrick D. Morrow, Auburn University

Annotated bibliography offers much to readers of contemporary Australian literature
Robert L. Ross. Australian Literary Criticism—1945-1988: An annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc. 1989. 375 pages. 50.00
Herbert Jaffa, Yale University

Traveling on a prairie schooner...
Prairie Schooner. Volume 62, Number 4 (Winter 1988/89). University of Nebraska. Hilda Raz, Editor-in-Chief. 144 pages. $4.00.
Paul Kane, Yale University

Inventive fiction probes social changes...
David Foster. The Pale Blue Crochet Coathanger Cover. Melbourne: Penguin Australia, 1988. 129 pages. A$9.99.
Andrew Peek, Tasmanian State Institute of Technology

The boss is a snake..
Ken Buckley and Ted Wheelwright. No Paradise for Workers: Capitalism and the Common People in Australia, 1798-1914. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Tom Bishop, Case Western Reserve University

Call this a deconstructionist anthology...
Brian Head and James Walter, eds. Intellectual Movements and Australian Society. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1988. 397 pages. A$42.50.
John Scheckter, Long Island University

New "literary history" takes some chances...
Laurie Hergenhan, gen. ed. The Penguin New Literary History of Australia. Ringwood: Penguin Australia, 1988. 620 pages. A$19.99.
Robert Zeller, Southeast Missouri State University
