"Book Reviews " by Antipodes Editors


Fiction: A woman unhinged, who refuses to be doomed
Evie Wyld. All the Birds, Singing. New York: Vintage, 2013. 240 p. $18.60 ISBN: 978-0345802507.
Christie Hinrichs, Bend, Oregon

Fiction: A writer’s story of a hacker’s life
Peter Carey. Amnesia. New York: Hamish Hamilton, 2014. 377 pp. $32.99. ISBN 978-1-926428-60-4
Jacob Pinkston, Beacon College

Fiction: Hauntings of the living dead author
Janet Frame. In the Memorial Room. Berkeley: Counterpoint Press, 2013. 202 pp. $15.95. ISBN 978-1-61902-446-5
Jenni Moody, Huntsville, AL

Fiction: The heart is wicked
Sonya Hartnett. Golden Boys. Melboune: Penguin Group (Australia), 2014. 238 pp. A$29.99. ISBN 978-1-926428-61-1
Victoria Avery, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Fiction: Time, place, and identity converge in the shadows
Peter Corris. Standing in the Shadow. Melbourne: Arcadia, 2013. 206 pp. A$24.95. ISBN 978-1-921875-32-8
Mollie Murray, Homer, Alaska

Fiction: Eight broken and the unspoken: a peephole into a love affair with China
Nicholas Jose. Bapo: Short Stories. Sydney: Giramondo, 2014. 227pp. $26.95. ISBN 978-1-922146-63-2
Jennifer Popa, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Drama: Harder on the living
Tim Winton. Shrine: A Play in One Act. New York: Penguin Group (USA), Inc., 2014. 132 pp. $20.00. ISBN 978-0-1435721-6-9
Tom Moran, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Poetry: Darkness conscious
LK Holt. Keeps: with Patience, Mutiny and Man Wolf Man. John Leonard Press, 2014. 158 pp. n.p. ISBN 978-0-9925371-1-1
Christopher Lee Miles, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Social History: Everyone here is a visitor
Ann Game, Andrew Metcalfe, and Demelza Marlin. On Bondi Beach. North Melbourne, Vic.: Arcadia, 2013. xii + 242 p. A$24.95 ISBN 978-1-9250031-9-2
Sarah Jane Holsteen, Hudson, Wisconsin
