"Book Reviews " by Antipodes Editors


The Secret River (Kate Grenville) (Reviewed by Richard Carr, University of Alaska-Fairbanks)

Dreams of Speaking (Gail Jones) (Reviewed by Katherine Mulcrone, Fairbanks, Alaska)

Suptopia (A.L. McCann) (Reviewed by Nathanael O'Reilly, Albion College and Western Michigan University)

The Ballad of Desmond Kale (Roger McDonald) (Reviewed by Seth Myers, Santa Clara, California)

Fresh Fields (Peter Kocan) (Reviewed by Steve Goerger, Missouri State University)

The Shadow Thief (Marion May Campbell) (Reviewed by Nicholas Birns, The New School)

Frangipani (Celestine Hitiura Vaite) (Reviewed by AnneMarie Christiansen, Brigham Young University-Hawaii)

black juice (Margo Lanagan) (Reviewed by Joseph Moses, University of Minnesota)

Universal Andalusia (B.R. Dionysius) (Reviewed by Michael Sariban, Brisbane, Queensland)

Urban Myths: 201 Poems, New and Selected (John Tranter) (Reviewed by Kevin Peters, University of Alaska-Fairbanks)

Wild Amazement (Michael Wilding) (Reviewed by Don Graham, University of Texas)

Homing In: Essays on Australian Literature and Selfhood (Bruce Bennett) (Reviewed by Pradeep Trikha, Dayanand College, India)

Bluff Rock: Autobiography of a Massacre (Katrina M. Schlunke) (Reviewed by Eve Lamborn)

Ngara: Living in this Place Now (John Muk Muk Burke and Martin Langfords, eds.) (Reviewed by Marilyn Strelau, Simsbury High School)

Semar's Cave: An Indonesian Journal (John Mateer) (Reviewed by Nicholas Birns, The New School)
