"An Interview with Robert Anderson, Gheebelum Ngugi " by Rebecca Weaver-Hightower


Dr. Robert Anderson, Gheebelum Ngugi, former Chairperson of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Board, Ngugi Elder, founding member of Reconciliation Queensland, and Order of Australia recipient, was born in East Brisbane in 1929. Dr. Anderson’s traditional name, “Gheebelum Ngugi,” combines “Gheebelum” the name of a prominent sand hill on Mulgumpin (also known as Moreton Island), his ancestral homeland, and “Ngugi’ the name of his Aboriginal clan. Over his long life as an Aboriginal rights leader and union activist, Dr. Anderson has participated in some of twentieth-century Australia’s most pivotal events of social justice and resistance, several of which he shares in the following interview. Dr. Anderson has also been the subject of recent biography by Christine Peacock, The Life and Times of Robert Anderson, Gheebelum Ngugi, Mulgumpin (2002, Uniikup Productions, P.O. Box 3230, South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 4101). The following excerpts, from 5 hours of interviews conducted on three occasions, supplement that biography. Slight modifications have been made for clarity.
