"Book Reviews " by Antipodes Editors


The Undying (Mudrooroo) (Reviewed by Richard Carr, University of Alaska-Fairbanks)

The Custodians (Nicholas Jose) (Reviewed by Peter Wolfe, University of Missouri-St. Louis)

The Chosen (David Ireland) (Reviewed by Darren DeFrain, Western Michigan University)

Oyster (Janette Turner Hospital) (Reviewed by Donna Coates, University of Calgary)

Collected Stories (Gillian Mears) (Reviewed by Felicity Plunkett, University of Armidale)

Serpent Dust (Debra Adelaide) (Reviewed by Cleo Lloyd da Silva, Los Angeles)

Plains of Promise (Alexis Wright) and Steam Pigs (Melissa Luchashenko) (Reviewed by Marilyn Strelau, Simsbury High School)

The Delphic Women Series and Medea (Kerry Greenwood) (Reviewed by Gina Luria Walker, The New School for Social Research)

Red Shoes (Carmel Bird) (Reviewed by Nicholas Birns, The New School for Social Research)

Letters to Francesca, The Prince and Duckness (Tim Richards) (Reviewed by Lars Ahlstrom, Sweden)

Indigenous Australian Voices: A Reader (Jennifer Sabbioni, Kay Schaffer and Sidonie Smith, eds.) (Reviewed by Jennifer Kelly, University of Calgary)

Australia (Robert Ross, ed.) (Reviewed by Anne Pender, Australian Defence Force Academy)

The Ebony Gates (David Rowbotham), Songs of the East Coast (Val Vallis) and Album of Domestic Exile (Andrew Sant) (Reviewed by Julian Croft, University of New England)

Sometimes Gladness: Collected Poems 1954 to 1997 (Bruce Dawe) (Reviewed by Herbert C. Jaffa, New York University)

Enter Your House With Care (Connie Barber) and the shadow's keep (John Anderson) (Reviewed by Werner Senn, University of Berne)

Dark Angel (Kevin Hart) (Reviewed by Michael Wiley, University of North Florida)

A Dimension of the Angel: A Study of Les Murray's Poetry (Anurag Sharma) (Reviewed by Bert Almon, University of Alberta)

Studies in Australian Literary History (Brian Kiernan) and The Australian Novel 1830-1980: A Thematic Introduction (John Scheckter) (Reviewed by Robert Zeller, Southeast Missouri State University)

Post-colonial Essays on South Pacific Literature (Patrick D. Morrow) (Reviewed by Shirley Paolini)

South of My Days: A Biography of Judith Wright (Veronica Brady) (Reviewed by Nancy Potter, University of Rhode Island)

Larry Sitsky: A Bio-Bibliography (Robyn Holmes, Patricia Shaw and Peter Campbell) (Reviewed by Deborah Hayes, University of Colorado at Boulder)

New Worlds from Old: 19th Century Australian & American Landscapes (Reviewed by Tina Kane, Metropolitan Museum of Art)

The Modern West in Search of Meaning (John Carroll) (Reviewed by Margaret Boe Birns, New York University)

Dreamtime Alice - A Memoir (Mandy Sayer) (Reviewed by Robert Ross, University of Texas at Austin)
