"Same Day Transportation for Opioid Use Disorder: Impact of the Crisis Addiction Recov . . ." by Katherine Palmer Loveluck and Andrew King

Research Mentor Name

Dr. Andrew King

Research Mentor Email Address


Institution / Department

Detroit Medical Center/Emergency Medicine

Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



Patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) frequently present to the emergency department (ED). Delays or barriers in referral to recovery programs from the ED may decrease successful linkage to ongoing care. Immediately following discharge is a particularly high-risk time for OUD patients as studies have shown that immediately following a non-fatal overdose there is an increase in death rates1. To attempt to combat this gap in care The Detroit Medical Center (DMC) partnered with a community program, Team Wellness (TW), to offer direct transportation 18 hours per day to the TW facility. This crisis addiction recovery transportation (CART) program facilitates the rapid induction of both psychosocial treatment and medication for addiction treatment (MAT). Of specific importance is the early initiation of MAT in OUD care, as in the ED has been shown to increase retention in formal addiction treatment2. Retrospective chart review of patients referred to TW from 11/27/19 – 3/30/20 will be performed. Primarily we want to look to see if referral to TW for treatment increases the duration that OUD patients remain in formal addiction treatment. Additionally, we would like to understand if the early initiation of buprenorphine increases retention in treatment. The results of our research have the potential to show that facilitated linkages of emergency to outpatient care, coupled with timely induction of buprenorphine, can improve the duration of treatment retention and decrease mortality rates for high-risk patients.


Emergency Medicine | Medicine and Health Sciences | Substance Abuse and Addiction
