"Are ChatGPT Responses to Urologic Health Inquiries Readable and Supported by American . . ." by Chase Morrison, Jack Vercnocke MD et al.

Research Mentor Name

Kevin Ginsburg, MD

Research Mentor Email Address


Institution / Department


Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



Introduction and Objective:

ChatGPT is widely accessible to patients, but it is unknown if the responses provided by the chatbot are supported by corresponding American Urological Association’s (AUA) guidelines. Our primary objective was to assess if cGPT’s responses to a hypothetical patient’s question regarding their urologic conditions were supported by the AUA guidelines.


Thirty prompts, each addressing one or more AUA Guideline, were written from the perspective of a patient. Responses were assessed by 8 evaluators consisting of practicing Urologists and current Urology Residents. Each response was evaluated using a Support Score (SS) and Quality Score (QS) (Table 1). A median SS score of ³3 was considered “Supported” by the AUA Guidelines and a median QS score of ³4 was considered “High Quality”. Each response was analyzed for readability using Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level (FKRGL) scores. The kappa coefficient was calculated to determine interrater agreement.


Overall, 20/30 (66%) responses were supported by the AUA guidelines. Responses to oncology questions were unlikely to be supported by AUA guidelines (5/12 questions supported) while questions pertaining to infertility (4/4), erectile issues (2/2), and reconstruction (1/1) were uniformly supported by the guidelines. Only 11/30 (37%) responses were deemed high quality. Questions in most domains of urology generally did not have high quality responses, while ¾ infertility questions were deemed high quality. The average FKR Grade Level Score was 18 which is equivalent to a college graduate reading level. Response grade reading levels ranged from 13 (college level) to 23 (professional). There was “slight" interrater agreement among SS (k=0.15, p=<0.001) and QS (k=0.06, p=0.004).


While cGPT can provide responses supported by the AUA guidelines, the majority missed minor or nuanced elements which may influence patient care. Most responses lacked quality and accessibility in terms of reading level. Responses from cGPT about urologic conditions are not a suitable alternative to consulting with medical professionals.


Medicine and Health Sciences
