"Assessment of Breastfeeding Education in Medical Training " by Saranya Madan and Abigail Kuplicki

Research Mentor Name

Miriam Behar

Research Mentor Email Address


Institution / Department

Wayne State University School of Medicine

Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



In 2019, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine issued a revised set of educational objectives for medical trainees at various stages of education. In this statement, objectives for medical school were broken down into preclinical and clinical training objectives. In this project, our goal is to assess the degree to which medical training at Wayne State University School of Medicine is addressing these aims.

The assessment of breastfeeding education is accomplished by surveying medical students at various stages of training (M1-M4) and eliciting their level of confidence in and understanding of the topics outlined in the objectives by the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Our surveys also include some assessments of knowledge on this topic, background information of participants, and optional free response questions to generate qualitative feedback and suggestions for improvement. Participants are also given an option for providing feedback on the survey quality itself. Surveys are sent to students via email.

We will use cross-tabulation analysis, ANOVA testing, and t-scores to analyze the survey data. For our research, breastfeeding education is the independent variable, and medical students’ level of understanding of the breastfeeding guideline objectives is the dependent variable. Our hypothesis is that the breastfeeding objectives are not being met across all student populations surveyed. Our research is crucial in understanding the effectiveness of the current guidelines and in charting the course for potential curricular changes. This inturn will help medical students have a more well-rounded education and be better providers to a diverse patient base in the future.

Please Note: We anticipate completing our project by the presentation date, having received permission to submit this work-in-progress. Additional data and abstract updates can be readily provided as the session date approaches. Thank you for this opportunity.


Meek, JY, The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Educational Objectives and Skills for the Physician with Respect to Breastfeeding, Revised 2018. Breastfeed Med. 2019; 14(1):5-13.


Adult and Continuing Education | Curriculum and Instruction | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Methods | Family Medicine | Interprofessional Education | Maternal and Child Health | Medical Education | Medicine and Health Sciences | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Pediatrics | Primary Care | Public Health | Women's Health
