"Misinformation Regarding Monkeypox on TikTok " by Madison Meyer, Rajaa Shoukfeh et al.

Research Mentor Name

Dr. Meena Moossavi

Research Mentor Email Address


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Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



TikTok is the newest and most popular form of social media for young audiences around the world. Healthcare professionals can present medical information to all audiences in an engaging and short-length video manner. Our study evaluates the reliability of Monkeypox-related information presented on TikTok. We assessed the quality of the information presented using DISCERN, a peer-reviewed tool used for the evaluation of health information presented to consumers. Findings from our study suggest physicians, members of the healthcare field, and non-medical individuals post videos supplying viewers with information that is rated unreliable. Physicians and other healthcare professionals should prioritize providing reliable and well-cited information about current infectious diseases such as monkeypox to the young and impressionable audiences who use TikTok.


Dermatology | Medicine and Health Sciences

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