"The Effect of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sedation Protocol on Increasing Sedation R . . ." by Bohdan Matsko, Mousab Eteer MD et al.

Research Mentor Name

Mousab Eteer, MD

Research Mentor Email Address


Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



INTRODUCTION: Procedural sedation is intended to help patients minimize body movement and successfully complete an MRI scan. Although MRI sedation is becoming increasingly more common, it is associated with complications. There has been anecdotal evidence of MRI sedation adverse events occurring at relatively high frequency at HFHS in the past, although such events often went unreported. The study aim is to address this rising concern by instituting a protocol system that also intends to increase the reporting of MRI sedation adverse events.

METHODS: This Quality improvement (QI) project is established based on the Lean Six Sigma process improvement methodology. The project introduces a system wide MRI sedation protocol at HFHS detailing specific guidelines regarding sedatives and safety related issues. The project compares the occurrence of minimal sedation-related adverse events in the MRI suite before and after the enactment of the policy (January 2022) for the 2017-2022 time period.

RESULTS: Previous reports since 2017 were reviewed and sedation adverse events recorded. Data collection for the remainder of 2022 is still ongoing throughout the end of 2022. Overall, there is a decreasing rate of MRI sedation adverse events occurring at HFHS after the sedation policy implementation. Anesthesia service utilization has also been reviewed with an overall increase in demand observed in previous years.

CONCLUSIONS: The following QI project has managed to improve RL reporting rates for MRI sedation adverse events. Relative to before its introduction, the new protocol system has provided a significantly enhanced system in terms of safety for sedation management of patients undergoing MRI.


Anesthesiology | Radiology
