"The Role of Vigorous and High Intensity Interval Training Physical Activity Counselin . . ." by Emily Lau, Brendan T. Lynch et al.

Research Mentor Name

Dr. Sonia Hassan

Research Mentor Email Address


Institution / Department

Wayne State University Make Your Date/ Office of Women's Health

Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



Background: Physical activity is becoming a more common component of preventative medicine and patient counseling; however, the prevalence of physical activity counseling and specific social determinants of health have prevented women, namely prenatal patients, from receiving this counseling from their providers1. Physical activity, including high intensity interval training (HIIT), has been shown to be feasible for implementation in patient counseling3 and shown to be safe for pregnant women, even into the third trimester2. We hypothesize that the current percentage of patients, including prenatal patients, being counseled on physical activity is lacking. In addition, we hypothesize the current guidelines and advancements in research on physical activity, including during pregnancy, are not being shared adequately with patients during clinic and hospital visits. This pertains especially to education on the feasibility of execution, safety and benefits of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and vigorous exercise.

Methods: In this descriptive study, we will distribute our patient survey at local ob/gyn clinics to assess the current level of patient perceptions of physical activity, physical activity counseling and current level of activity. We will then provide educational materials to the clinics and patients on physical activity, namely HIIT, and reassess patient perceptions and activity levels via survey.

Results: Preliminary research shows that the majority of prenatal patients have not been given counseling or education materials on physical activity but are motivated to increase their physical activity and work with providers to do so.

Conclusion: Will be presented at the Wayne State Medical Student Research Symposium in February 2022.


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Health Services Research | Medical Physiology | Medicine and Health Sciences | Public Health Education and Promotion | Urban Studies and Planning | Women's Health
