"Improving Satisfaction of Patients Living with Hidradenitis Suppurativa through Admin . . ." by Emilia M. Clementi and Steven Daveluy

Research Mentor Name

Dr. Steven Daveluy

Research Mentor Email Address


Institution / Department

Wayne State University School of Medicine/ Dermatology

Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research




Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is an incurable, chronic inflammatory skin that is caused by follicular occlusion and affects around 1% of people in the United States 1. Because of its chronic, grave nature, patients may be dissatisfied with their care. Improving the fecundity of HS patients’ interaction with their physicians may be an important step towards improving patient outcomes. Currently, there is no standardized patient intake form for HS patients at Wayne Health. The intake form describes key patient details, such as their current treatments, pain level, and associated symptoms. This project measures the efficacy of this tool after its introduction in order to ensure its utility.


All HS patients, ≥ 18 to 80 years old, presenting at Wayne Health Dermatology were asked to participate in a satisfaction survey from July 29th-November 19th. The survey data was collected using Qualtrics on an electronic tablet. It was administered to gauge patient care satisfaction before their dermatology appointment and before the intake form rollout. After administration of the intake form, we assessed patient satisfaction again with the same questions.


Most patients were completely satisfied with their care in the pre-intake satisfaction survey (Figure 1). The intake form is currently being administered, and results for the post-intake satisfaction survey are pending.


This intake form will allow physicians to quickly target and identify main patient concerns that will allow for deeper discussion regarding these issues and prognosis. Thus, patients living with HS may be more satisfied with their physician encounter after completing it.


Dermatology | Medicine and Health Sciences | Quality Improvement

Picture1.pdf (42 kB)
Figure 1: Pre-Intake Form Survey Data
