"Thromboelastography Profiles of Hemophilia A patients on Emicizumab " by Daniel J. VanZweden, Meera Chitlur et al.

Research Mentor Name

Meera Chitlur

Research Mentor Email Address


Institution / Department

Childrens Hospital of Michigan

Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



Emicizumab is a new monoclonal antibody developed to dtreat people with Hemophilia A, especially those with antibodies. However, breakthrough bleeding can still occur in patients taking Emicizumab. TEG is a global coagulation assay which measures coagulability through viscosity. This study describes the use of tissue factor activated TEG in measuring bleeding profiles in patients taking Emicizumab. The goal of this prospective study is to determine if TEG can be used, which variables of TEG might be useful, and how much more useful it is than the current standard, aPtt. Findings include a 25% increased R time and 24% increased K time in patients exhibiting breakthrough bleeding compared to patients not exhibiting breakthrough bleeding.


Biological Factors | Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities | Hemic and Lymphatic Diseases | Investigative Techniques | Laboratory and Basic Science Research | Medicine and Health Sciences
