"Length of hospital stay following temporary pacing post-transcatheter valve replaceme . . ." by Sean McCarthy and Marvin Eng M.D.

Research Mentor Name

Marvin Eng

Research Mentor Email Address


Institution / Department

Henry Ford Health System

Document Type

Research Abstract

Research Type


Level of Research



Transcatheter valve replacement (TVR) provides a minimally invasive method of valve replacement. During TVR, conduction abnormalities can develop, but only some will require permanent pacing, and use of temporary pacing provides immediate support until a decision of temporary pacing is made. Henry Ford Health System has two methods of pacing lead placement: balloon tipped leads and screw-in leads. Currently, the impact of different types of temporary pacing leads on recovery time is still unknown. This project investigated the differences in the length of hospital and ICU stay between patients who received the balloon tipped and screw-in leads. Data was collected from 144 patients who underwent TVR and was analyzed for differences between these two patient groups. We had 44 patients with a balloon tipped lead and 104 patients with a screw in lead. Of the patients who received balloon tipped leads, average length of stay was 10.4 days and number of ICU days was 4.3. For the patients who received Screw in leads, average length of stay was 6.7 days and average number of ICU days was 1.2. Both the length of hospital stay (p


Cardiology | Medicine and Health Sciences


Thank you to my mentor Marvin Eng, MD.

Additional thank you to Tiberio M Frisoli, MD. and William W O'Neill, MD. for providing patient data

Included in

Cardiology Commons
