Research Mentor Name
Dr. Pradeepa Yoganathan MD MSc
Research Mentor Email Address
Institution / Department
Kresge Eye Institute
Document Type
Research Abstract
Research Type
Level of Research
Purpose: To implement and analyze an organizational level coaching program for ophthalmology residents at the Kresge Eye Institute (KEI) as the front-line method for prevention and management of physician burnout.
Background: Burnout is a well-documented stressor in medicine and has been shown to significantly increase unprofessional conduct and medical errors. A recent, promising model to tackle burnout in the medical field is coaching. The Harvard Business Review and American Medical Association have demonstrated the positive effects of coaching on professional performance and well-being.
Methods: We plan on utilizing the Kern Method to develop a resident wellness curriculum addressing resident burnout. This curriculum will focus on implementation of professional coaching and we will evaluate the success of this program though survey data. Surveys will evaluate the programs prior to coaching implementation, and at 6 months and a year of implementation.
Results: A total of 21 residents will have access to professional coaching. We will measure the residents’ ability to adapt new vocabulary, knowledge, and tools to tackle burnout, into their education. Data will be gathered through surveys grading the effectiveness of our coaching curriculum in all stages of the Kirkpatrick Pyramid for program evaluation.
Conclusion: The stigma of depression and anxiety impacts a physician ability to seek help regarding burnout. We expect that our program will have increased participation as coaching is a professional benefit unaffected by a mental health stigma. We hope this program serves as a broadly applicable model for improving resident wellness across specialties throughout the country.
Medical Education | Medicine and Health Sciences | Ophthalmology
Recommended Citation
Silbergleit, Matthew; Das, Shibandri; Juzych, Mark S.; and Yoganathan, Pradeepa, "Professional Coaching in Residency: A Novel Approach to Decrease Resident Burnout" (2021). Medical Student Research Symposium. 110.
Mark McDermott, Ophthalmology Program Director, Kresge Eye Institute. Residents of KEI for their self-sacrifice in dedication to our patients.