"Changes in Personal Networks of Women in Residential and Outpatient Substance Abuse T . . ." by Meeyoung O. Min, Elizabeth M. Tracy et al.

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Changes in personal network composition, support and structure over 12 months were examined in 377 women from residential (n=119) and intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment (n=258) through face-to-face interviews utilizing computer based data collection. Personal networks of women who entered residential treatment had more substance users, more people with whom they had used alcohol and/or drugs, and fewer people from treatment programs or self-help groups than personal networks of women who entered intensive outpatient treatment. By 12 months post treatment intake, network composition improved for women in residential treatment; however, concrete support was still lower and substance users still more prevalent in their networks. Network composition of women in outpatient treatment remained largely the same over time. Both groups increased cohesiveness within the network over 12 months. Targeting interventions that support positive changes in personal networks may heighten positive long term outcomes for women entering treatment.


Social Psychology and Interaction | Social Work


This is the author’s final manuscript version, post-peer-review, of a work accepted for publication in Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Changes resulting from the publishing process may not be reflected in this document; changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. This version has been formatted for archiving; a definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 45(4): 325-334 (June 2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsat.2013.04.006
