"Identifying Potential Mediators And Moderators Of The Association Be-tween Child Malt . . ." by Jun Sung Hong, Dorothy L. Espelage et al.

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A growing body of literature is demonstrating associations between childhood maltreatment and bullying involvement at school. In this literature review, five potential mediators (explanatory) and three potential moderators (mitigates or exacerbates) of the association between childhood maltreatment and school bullying are proposed. Mediators include emotional dysregulation, depression, anger, and social skills deficits. Moderators reviewed include quality of parent-child relationships, peer relationships, and teacher relationships. Although there might be insurmountable challenges to addressing child maltreatment in primary or universal school-based prevention programs, it is possible to intervene to improve these potentially mediating and moderating factors.


Social Work


This is the author’s final accepted manuscript version, post-peer-review, of an article published online 2011.12.26 in Educational Psychology Review, 24(2), 167-186. The final publication is available via Springer at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10648-011-9185-4

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