"American Indian and Alaska Native Grandfamilies: The Impact on Child Development " by Suzanne Cross, Angelique Day et al.

Document Type

Book Chapter


Traditionally, grandparents and other family members have assumed integral roles in raising children within American Indian/Alaska Native communities. The existence of an extensive support system assisted parents in passing on to their children the knowledge of customs, culture, and language essential to community survival and well-being. An increasing number of children are now being raised in “grandfamilies,” a type of family constellation where grandparents take on the role of sole or primary caregiver for their grandchildren under eighteen years of age.


Social Work


This book chapter was previously published by ABC-CLIO and is deposited with permission from the ABC-CLIO. Copyright notice: American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Mental Health: Development, Context, Prevention, and Treatment by Michelle C. Sarche, Paul Spicer, Patricia Farrell, and Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Editors. Copyright (c) 2011 by ABC-CLIO. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission of ABC-CLIO, LLC, Santa Barbara, CA.

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Social Work Commons
