"US Foreign Trade Zones as the Secret Lover: Is Uncle Sam Faithful to Tariff Eliminati . . ." by Richard J. Smith

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


For centuries the nations and principalities of the world have engaged in trading schemes to boost exports. Conquest, protection of domestic supply through tariffs and eroding domestic currency are all part of the historic policy harem. The United States has a foreign trade zone program. Who knew? FTZs evoke images of women locked inside a dark sweatshop in a jungle making hoodies for football fans. While these "developing" countries have unambiguously embraced FTZs as an export strategy, Uncle Sam has played the unwilling suitor to the concept, making the FTZ a common law revealed preference while engaged with but not quite married to tariff reduction. This essay will compare the US program to its international counterpart and discuss the social policy implications on the US labor force.


Economic Policy | International Economics | Social Work


This is the Author’s working version of a paper presented at the 16th annual meeting of the International Consortium for Social Development at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in Monterrey, NL, MEXICO. © Copyright The Author 2009. This version has been formatted for archiving and deposited with the author’s permission.

FTZ_smith_ICSD_2009_3.pdf (1023 kB)
Author's unformatted submission manuscript
