WSU Press Journals

Wayne State University Press is a distinctive urban publisher committed to supporting its parent institution’s core research, teaching, and service mission by generating high quality scholarly and general interest works of global importance. Through its publishing program, the Press disseminates research, advances education, and serves the local community while expanding the international reputation of the Press and the University.
Antipodes (WSU Press)
About Antipodes
Antipodes is published twice per year, in June and December. The journal welcomes critical essays on any aspect of Australian, New Zealand, and Pacific literature and culture, and comparative studies are especially encouraged. Additionally, Antipodes publishes short fiction, excerpts from novels, drama, and poetry written by Australian and New Zealand authors.

Criticism (WSU Press)
About Criticism
Criticism provides a forum for current scholarship on literature, media, music and visual culture. A place for rigorous theoretical and critical debate as well as formal and methodological self-reflexivity and experimentation, Criticism aims to present contemporary thought at its most vital.

Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture (WSU Press)
About Discourse
Since its founding in 1979, Discourse has been committed to publishing work in the theoretical humanities with an emphasis on the critical study of film, literature, the visual arts, and related audiovisual media. The journal seeks contributions that explore the relations of these and other cultural phenomena to questions of language, philosophy, politics, psychoanalysis, history, and area studies, as well as theories of gender, race, and sexuality.

Fairy Tale Review (WSU Press)
About Fairy Tale Review
Fairy Tale Review is an annual literary journal dedicated to publishing new fairy-tale fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The journal seeks to expand the conversation about fairy tales among practitioners, scholars, and general readers. Contents reflect a diverse spectrum of literary artists working with fairy tales in many languages and styles.

Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media (WSU Press)
About Framework
Framework explores a variety of topics in film, media, art, politics, and cultural studies. The journal publishes valuable and innovative work with a wide international range and promotes theoretical and avant-garde approaches from its contributors.

Human Biology (WSU Press)
About Human Biology
Founded in 1929, Human Biology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on research to increase understanding of human biological variation. Among the topics considered by the journal are anthropological, quantitative, evolutionary, and population genetics and genomics; ancient DNA studies and paleogenomics; demography and genetic epidemiology; and ethical and social implications of human genetic and genomic research.
Human Biology is the official publication of the American Association of Anthropological Genetics (AAAG), an educational and scientific organization founded in 1994. AAAG aims to promote the study of anthropological genetics, as this field is broadly defined, to facilitate communication and cooperation between individuals engaged in this field.

Human Biology Open Access Pre-Prints (WSU Press)
The repository is a service of the Wayne State University libraries. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the individual university departments and centers on campus.
Jewish Film & New Media (WSU Press)
About Jewish Film & New Media
Jewish Film & New Media provides an outlet for research into any aspect of Jewish film, television, and new media and is unique in its interdisciplinary nature, exploring the rich and diverse cultural heritage across the globe. The journal is distinctive in bringing together a range of cinemas, televisions, films, programs, and other digital material in one volume and in its positioning of the discussions within a range of contexts—the cultural, historical, textual, and many others.

Jewish Folklore and Ethnology (WSU Press)
Jewish Folklore and Ethnology (JFE) is a peer-reviewed, annual journal issued by Wayne State University Press. It features innovative, original analytical studies, essays, and commentaries in English on the diverse ways in which Jewishness is expressed, conceived, transformed, and perceived by Jews and non-Jews through folklore, tradition, and social/cultural practice. JFE succeeds previous international serials of Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review and Jewish Cultural Studies sponsored by the Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Section of the American Folklore Society. JFE’s coverage includes but is not limited to genres of narrative, song, music, speech, custom, ritual, belief, art, craft, architecture, dance, dress, and food; practices and performances of the body, faith, home, and community in the past and present; and ideas of tradition, identity, ethnicity, race, gender, religion, education, and culture. JFE invites submissions from varied disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and methodologies/approaches. JFE strives for an international reach in content and authors and values engaging academic writing that will be of interest to lay as well as scholarly audiences.

Marvels & Tales (WSU Press)
About Marvels & Tales
Marvels & Tales is a peer-reviewed journal that is international and multidisciplinary in orientation. The journal publishes scholarly work dealing with the fairy tale in any of its diverse manifestations and contexts. Marvels & Tales provides a central forum for fairy-tale studies by scholars of literature, folklore, gender studies, children’s literature, social and cultural history, anthropology, film studies, ethnic studies, art and music history, and others.

Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal (WSU Press)
About Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal
The Merrill-Palmer Quarterly is the only empirical journal dedicated to the topic of peer relations. Published four times a year, the journal features quantitative developmental research on peer interactions, relationships, and groups. The journal also publishes research on interpersonal factors that impact socioemotional development, particularly those relevant to peer relations.
Most papers published in the journal will address one of three core themes in peer relations (Bukowski, Laursen, & Rubin, 2018): (a) features (what peers do with each other), (b) effects (antecedents and consequences of features), or (c) processes (mechanisms that account for associations within and between features and effects). Topics include (but are not limited to) peer relationships (e.g., friends, peer groups and networks, romantic relationships, sibling relationships), peer settings (e.g., social media, school, neighborhood, home), peer interactions (e.g., bullying, prosocial behavior), peer reputation and status (e.g., popularity, acceptance, rejection) and the antecedents, consequences, and correlates of each. Meta-analytic reviews of the literature are welcome, as are cutting-edge conceptual papers designed to challenge and/or reframe research and theory on peer relations. The journal also publishes papers that introduce and validate new methods and instruments germane to the topic of peer relations. Occasionally, the journal will publish papers that touch on other significant interpersonal relationships (e.g., family, teacher) or prominent socioemotional attributes (e.g., shyness, aggression), but only if they pertain to individual differences in adjustment and preferably if they have clear implications for peer relations. Diversity in authors and samples is a priority.
The Merrill-Palmer Quarterly has a curator model of editing (Levesque, 2020). The goal is to foster submissions that fit the mission, substance, and style of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor will carefully screen all submissions. Best-fitting submissions will receive peer review; the rest will be returned without review. The curator model allows Action Editors and reviewers to focus their efforts on articles that have a strong chance of success. It improves the quality of the reviews provided and the quality of the reviewers, who are more apt to respond favorably to review requests if they know that poor-fit submissions have been eliminated.
The Merrill-Palmer Quarterly has a long and rich history as one of the oldest journals in developmental psychology. Originally attached to the Merrill-Palmer Institute in Detroit, the journal was established in 1954 to bolster and disseminate scientific information about child and family development. The Institute was acquired by Wayne State University in 1981 and the journal is now published by Wayne State University Press. Learn more about the history of the journal and the Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute here.
Bukowski, W. M., Laursen, B., & Rubin, K. H. (2018). Peer relations: Past, present, and promise. In W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen, & K. H. Rubin (Eds.), Handbook of peer interactions, relationships, and groups (2nd ed., pp. 3-20). Guilford.
Levesque, R. J. (2021). The Journal of Youth and Adolescence at 50: Completing the move toward a curator model of editing. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 1-3.

Narrative Culture (WSU Press)
About Narrative Culture
Narrative Culture is a new journal that conceptualizes narration as a broad and pervasive human practice, warranting a holistic perspective that grasps the place of narrative comparatively across time and space. The journal invites contributions that document, discuss and theorize narrative culture, and offers a platform that integrates approaches spread across various disciplines. The field of narrative culture thus outlined is defined by a large variety of forms of popular narratives, including not only oral and written texts, but also narratives in images, three-dimensional art, customs, rituals, drama, dance, music, and so forth. Research focused on authored literary works falls outside the scope of this journal. Narrative Culture is peer-reviewed and international as well as interdisciplinary in orientation.

Storytelling, Self, Society (WSU Press)
About Storytelling, Self, Society
Storytelling, Self, Society is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics related to oral narrative in performance, as social or cultural discourse, and in a variety of professional and disciplinary contexts.