"Scenario Analysis of Drinking Water Infrastructure Rightsizing in Flint, Michigan: Mo . . ." by Richard Casey Sadler, Hyun Jeong Koo et al.

Document Type



Sustainable urban systems require appropriately sized infrastructure. However, when cities face economic and population decline, hardened infrastructure - such as drinking water distribution systems – is difficult and costly to modify. This dataset provides the results of a modeling exercise performed using EPANET (Version 2.2) to examine potential scenarios for rightsizing water infrastructure in a shrinking city. The modeling was performed utilizing a full-scale, calibrated hydraulic model of the drinking water distribution system in Flint, Michigan obtained through a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Flint and Wayne State University.

For this analysis, in addition to a base model, we evaluate six scenarios involving either only decommissioning of pipes alone or both decommissioning and downscaling replacement of pipes. Model scenarios were run for three weeks (504 hours). The first two weeks (335 hours) were used to stabilize the system. System conditions (e.g., pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) and water age (hours)) at 15,936 locations in the system were recorded every hour, resulting in 168 measurements for each location in the system, a total of 2,677,248 measurements per hour. The minimum and maximum pressure, maximum water age (95th percentile), average pressure, and average water age (50th percentile) are computed during the third week of simulation.

This dataset describes general pipe conditions in the distribution systems, both as a base and for each model scenario, and is paired with a second dataset available at https://doi.org/10.22237/waynestaterepo/data/1729036800/b.

17,616 record dataset

Data Dictionary:

PipeID: Pipe Identification Number;
Length: Length of pipe (feet);
Roughness: Hazen-Williams Coefficient;
Change1: Model 1 - Change in pipe from base model (No Change, Abandoned, Downsized, Upsized);
Change2: Model 2 - Change in pipe from base model (No Change, Abandoned, Downsized, Upsized);
Change3: Model 3 - Change in pipe from base model (No Change, Abandoned, Downsized, Upsized);
Change4: Model 4 - Change in pipe from base model (No Change, Abandoned, Downsized, Upsized);
Change5: Model 5 - Change in pipe from base model (No Change, Abandoned, Downsized, Upsized);
Change6: Model 6 - Change in pipe from base model (No Change, Abandoned, Downsized, Upsized);
Diameter0: Model 0 (Base Model) - Pipe diameter (inches);
Diameter1: Model 1 - Pipe diameter (inches);
Diameter2: Model 2 - Pipe diameter (inches);
Diameter3: Model 3 - Pipe diameter (inches);
Diameter4: Model 4 - Pipe diameter (inches);
Diameter5: Model 5 - Pipe diameter (inches);
Diameter6: Model 6 - Pipe diameter (inches);
Status0: Model 0 (Base Model) - Pipe status during EPANET modeling;
Status1: Model 1 - Pipe status during EPANET modeling;
Status2: Model 2 - Pipe status during EPANET modeling;
Status3: Model 3 - Pipe status during EPANET modeling;
Status4: Model 4 - Pipe status during EPANET modeling;
Status5: Model 5 - Pipe status during EPANET modeling;
Status6: Model 6: Pipe status during EPANET modeling



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Author[s] release this dataset under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which grants the public rights to reuse and redistribute this data provided 1) appropriate attribution is given to the author[s]; and 2) a link to the source of the data and to the CC-BY 4.0 license is included.


Civil Engineering | Construction Engineering and Management | Environmental Engineering | Urban Studies and Planning


Richard Casey Sadler: ORCID 0000-0002-5130-8561

Hyun Jeong Koo: ORCID 0000-0003-1178-8609

Basheer Allamy

Shawn P. McElmurry: ORCID 0000-0001-7398-431X
