"Representing Audiences: Conservative Media, Distinction, And The Politics Of The Righ . . ." by Elliott Edsall

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WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

Zachary Brewster


Right-wing media has become a topic of inquiry within the last decade. Its distinctive relationship with conservative audiences provides insight into understanding the relationship between the media and politics, and how this relationship informs contemporary political issues. Historically, the dominant paradigm surrounding media studies is that of media effects, aiming to understand how media presentations impact audiences and political affairs. However, recent scholarship separate from info-centric studies prompts further research into what makes conservative media unique. This research will explore the stylistic components of 84 articles across nine conservative media outlets through a content analysis, gauging how their coverage is aimed at a targeted audience type. Furthermore, I identify specific rhetorical techniques and aesthetic presentations that different outlets use to position themselves in the field of conservative journalism. This research aims to contribute to the growing research of conservative news and media research.

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