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Access Type

WSU Access

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Physics and Astronomy

First Advisor

Alex Matos-Abiague


The search for conclusive and robust Majorana Bound State (MBS) signatures hasbeen of great experimental and theoretical interest due to its potential quantum computing applications. This thesis theoretically furthers this search with two investigations: crystalline anisotropic topological superconductivity (CATS) and spin susceptibility as new/robust TS signatures in phase-biased and unbiased planar Josephson junctions (JJs) subject to various spin-orbit coupling and in-plane magnetic fields. It is shown how TS is affected by the interplay between the magnetic field and the orientation of the junction with respect to its crystallographic axes. This interplay can be used to electrically tune between BDI and D symmetry classes in a controlled fashion and thereby optimize the stability and localization of Majorana bound states in planar Josephson junctions. Current findings on the spin susceptibility as a qualitative indicator of topological gap strength can help further optimize MBS protection. Our findings can be used as a guide for achieving optimal MBS protection and localization when engineering TS in planar JJs and can be particularly relevant for setups containing non-collinear junctions useful for braiding operations.

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