"Combustion Analysis Of Surrogates For Military Kerosene-Type Jet Fuels Jp8 And Sasol- . . ." by Samy Alkhayat

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Access Type

WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2018

Degree Type


Degree Name



Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Naeim A. Henein


Diesel engines have the highest thermal efficiency, which makes them preferred over gasoline engines in heavy duty applications, such as military ground vehicles that utilize jet fuels for their operations as per single fuel policy. Thus, it is important to evaluate the combustion behavior of the military jet fuels in order to optimize the engine performance and maximize its readiness in battlefields. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the application targets of two surrogates developed earlier for two alternative jet fuels, JP8 and Sasol-Isoparaffinic Kerosene. The surrogate for JP8 (S2) is composed of two components (60% n-dodecane + 40% 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene on volume basis), while the surrogate for Sasol-IPK (S1) is composed of three components (46% iso-cetane, 44% decalin, and 10% n-nonane on a volume basis). In this investigation, we carried out experimental validation of S1 in ignition quality tester (IQT) and in single cylinder diesel engine. The IQT experiments were conducted earlier as per ASTM D6890-10a. The engine experiments were conducted at 1500 rpm, two engine loads, and two injection timings. Analysis of ignition delay (ID), peak pressure, peak rate of heat release (RHR), and other combustion phasing parameters showed a closer match in the IQT than in the diesel engine. Comparison between the surrogate combustion behavior in the diesel engine and IQT revealed that matching the DCN of the surrogate to its respective target fuel did not result in the same negative temperature coefficient (NTC) profile—which led to unmatched combustion characteristics in the high temperature combustion (HTC) regimes, despite the same auto-ignition and low temperature combustion (LTC) profiles. Moreover, a comparison between the combustion behaviors of the two fuels in the IQT is not consistent with the comparison in the diesel engine, which suggests that the surrogate validation in a single-cylinder diesel engine should be part of the surrogate development methodology, particularly for low ignition quality fuels.

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