"Gradlifecycle: A Web Application To Manage Doctoral Students’ And Postdoctoral Schola . . ." by Hanyi Zhang

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Access Type

WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2019

Degree Type


Degree Name



Computer Science

First Advisor

Ming . Dong


The Graduate School at Wayne State University requires a fully-automated way to manage students' Annual Review and Individual Development Plan (AR/IDP) process. Currently, the system is paper-based and needs improvement. The new system manages form submissions by Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars, and multiple levels of approval by advisors/sponsors, departmental graduate directors, and the director of postdoctoral affairs. We developed a modern, multi-purpose web platform called "GradLifecycle". Management of AR/IDP is its primary functionality. Users can log in to the platform using their existing university access ID. All data is saved to Salesforce, which provides centralized storage. Users can re-open the application to see their history over the years. We introduce a lightweight web development approach that integrates with school systems including BANNER, Salesforce, and the Single-Sign-On service. Third-party projects can be developed without needing an understanding of the architecture of the existing school management system.

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