"Memory Performance Indexes From The Fuld Object Memory Evaluation (fome) In Centenari . . ." by Rebecca Campbell

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Access Type

WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2019

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

John L. Woodard


This study examined learning and memory performance on the Fuld Object Memory Evaluation (FOME) in the oldest older adults, as well as the impact of dementia status and sensory impairment. The FOME is a measure of memory that allows the examinee to encode the items to be remembered through multiple sensory modalities. The FOME was administered as part of a larger battery during Phase III of the Georgia Centenarian Study. Participants were 244 Centenarians and 80 Octogenarians. Latent Variable Growth Curve Modeling (LGCM) was used to examined age-related differences on memory processes. ANOVA analyses were used to examine the impact of dementia status and sensory impairment differentially on the two age groups. Results indicated that Octogenarians generally performed better on aspects of memory and learning compared to Centenarians, even when matched on dementia status, but sensory acuity accounted for many of these age-related differences.

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