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Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Exploring Molecular Systems From Chemical Physics To Biochemistry Using Classical And Quantum Mechanics, Brian Thomas Psciuk
Thick Ascending Limb Nitric Oxide Production And Inhibition Of Nkcc2 Activity Are Impaired In Angiotensin Ii-Induced Hypertension, Vanesa Daniela Ramseyer
Learning And Living While Black: Black Students, White Universities, And The Age Of Post-Affirmative Action And Post-Racialism, Rosalind Reaves
Using Academic Advising To Increase Motivation And Engagement In First-Year College Students, Lisa Remsing
Without Content: Rhetoric, American Anarchism, And The End(s) Of Radical Politics, Michael John Ristich
The Relationship Between Generalized Anxiety Disorder In Women And Hormonal Imbalances, Self-Efficacy And Lifestyle: Implications For Licensed Professional Counselors And Counselor Educators, Gillian Bernadette Robbins
Personal And Social Factors In Risk-Taking Behaviors Of Emerging Adults, Katherine A. Roeser
Engagement, Capacity, And Continuity: A Study Of The Impact Of Participation In Alternative Pre-Student Teaching Placements, Jodie Lynn-Smant Rose
Risking Reproduction: Reproductive Health Among Women With Sickle Cell Disease, Paula Thompson Ross
Acidic Pericellular Ph: Effects On Proteolysis And Gene Expression As Determined In 3d Models Of Breast Carcinoma, Jennifer M. Rothberg
Anti-Cancer Effects Of Garcinol In Pancreatic Cancer Transgenic Mouse Model, Nadia Saadat
The Role Of Tissue Sound Speed As A Surrogate Marker Of Breast Density, Mark Sak
The Materialism Of The Encounter: Queer Sociality And Capital In Modern Literature, Michael David Schmidt
Nominalism In Mathematics - Modality And Naturalism, James S.j. Schwartz
Single-Stranded Dna Scanning And Deamination With Single-Molecule Resolution, Padhuk Gamarala Senavirathne
Development Of Kinase Catalyzed Biotinylation To Study Phosphoproteomics, Kona Arachchilage Chamara Indunil Bandara Senevirathne
Application Of Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy For High Throughput Characterization Of Combinatorial Magnetic Materials, Girfan Shamsutdinov
Inner City African American Girls' Learning Mathematics: Parental Influence And Classroom Experience As They Impact Mathematics Scores On The Act, Sharon Alicia Simeon
A Model For Designing Instructional Narratives For Adult Learners: Connecting The Dots, Debra Mary Smith
A Distinction Without A Moral Difference? An Essay On The Difference Between Palliative Sedation And Physician-Assisted Death, Patrick T. Smith
Synthesis And Characterization Of Metal Complexes Containing Tetrazolate, Poly(tetrazolyl)borate, And Poly(azolyl)aluminate Ligands As High Energy Density Materials, Christopher James Snyder
A Cognitively Enabling Approach: Cognitive Diversity In Composition Studies, Crystal June Starkey
Examination Of The Acquired Preparedness Model And Alcohol Use In Emerging Adults, Richard Michael Staszkow
The Use Of Cognitive Apprenticeships To Teach Learner-Centered Instructional Strategies In An Undergraduate Learning Environment, Jill E. Stefaniak
Elucidation Of The Functional Role Of Pcbp-The Cytosolic Iron Chaperone Protein Family, In Cellular Iron Homeostasis, Poorna Subramanian
Pathways To Civil War, Susumu Suzuki
Computational Approaches To Anti-Toxin Therapies And Biomarker Identification, Rebecca Jane Swett
Two-Time-Scale Systems In Continuous Time With Regime Switching And Their Applications, Yousef Talafha
Gender Differences In College Student Drinking: The Relations Of Social And Cognitive Constructs, Leah Dawn Terian
Power Operations In The Kunneth And C_2-Equivariant Adams Spectral Sequences With Applications, Sean Michael Tilson
Cervical Spine Tolerance And Response In Compressive Loading Modes Including Combined Compression And Lateral Bending, Daniel Toomey
Full Stability In Optimization, Nghia Tran
Exact And Representative Algorithms For Multi Objective Optimization, Ozgu Turgut
Linking Environmental Toxicant Exposure To Diabetes Susceptibility, Jannifer Beth Tyrrell
Optimization Of Strategic Planning Processes For Configurable Products: Considerations For Global Supply, Demand, And Sustainability Issues, Edward Lawrence Umpfenbach
Multiscale Design And Life-Cycle Based Sustainability Assessment Of Polymer Nanocomposite Coatings, Rohan Ganesh Uttarwar
Semantic Effects In Word Recognition And Picture Naming Are Moderated By Body-Object Interaction, Lisa Ruth Van Havermaet
Impact Of Cryoablation On Tumor Immunity, Jesse Veenstra
Predictors Of Psychosocial Adaptation To Pregnancy Among Urban African-American Primiparas, Joan M. Visger
Towards Personalized Medicine Using Systems Biology And Machine Learning, Calin Voichita
Unveiling Dna Polymerase Synthesis And Proofreading Activities - One Molecule At A Time, Kyle Vrtis
Effect Of Personalized Instruction On The Achievement Of Solving Mathematical Word Problems, Danica Vukmirovic
Histone Deacetylase 1: Mutagenesis And Small Molecule Studies, Magdalene Wambua
Roles Of Neuregulin1 In Neuromuscular Junction Development, Jiajing Wang
Formulation Devlopment Of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles As An Injectable Delivery System, Amit S. Wani
Development Of Ruthenium/terpyridine Complexes For Water Oxidation, Dakshika Chandrashani Wanniarachchi
Low Energy Positron Interactions With Biological Molecules, Indika Lasantha Wanniarachchi
Analysis Of The Structure And Function Of A Timp-1/cd63 Complex And Its Relationship To An Mt1-Mmp/cd63 Complex, Richard B. Warner
Exergetic Analysis Of Hydrogen Combustion Involving Electronically Excited Species, Devon Alan Washington
Subordinate-Supervisor Demographic And Perceived Value Similarity: Relationships To Subordinate Perceptions Of Organizational Justice, Charles Levi Wells, Iv
Framework For Quantifying And Tailoring Complexity And Risk To Manage Uncertainty In Developing Complex Products And Systems, Darrell Williams
The Rigor/relevance Framework©:its Relationship To K-12 Student Achievement On Statewide Tests, Catherine Colagross Willoughby
Drawn Out In Love: Religious Experience, The Public Sphere, And Evangelical Lay Women's Writing In Eighteenth Century England, Andrew O. Winckles
Work-Related Stress And Mental Health Of Child Care Center Workers, Sarah Lietzow Witherell
Discrete Littlewood-Paley-Stein Theory And Wolff Potentials On Homogeneous Spaces And Multi-Parameter Hardy Spaces, Yayuan Xiao
White Matter Integrity And Age Related Differences In Reaction Time Components, Yiqin Yang
Fundamental Studies And Applications Of Strong Field Ionization, Lu Yan
Reading The Tea Leaves: The Media And Sino-American Rapprochement, 1963-1972, Guolin Yi
The Transcriptional Regulation Of Flagellin-Induced Innate Protection Of The Cornea: Role Of Irf1 And Atf3, Gi Sang Yoon
Combinatorial Auction-Based Virtual Machine Provisioning And Allocation In Clouds, Sharrukh Zaman
Evaluating Chemical Toxicity: A Novel Behavioral Assay Using Daphnia, Maya A. Zein
Enzymatic Characterization Of The Ammonia Tunnel In Helicobacter Pylori Asp-Trnaasn/glu-Trnagln Amidotransferase, Liangjun Zhao
Simulations And Experiments Of Fuel Injection, Mixing And Combustion In Di Gasoline Engines, Yi Zheng
Qualitative Properties Of Solutions Of Fully Nonlinear Equations And Overdetermined Problems, Jiuyi Zhu
Bioreducible Polymer Nanosystems For Gene Delivery, Yi Zou
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Hierarchical multi-label classification for protein function prediction going beyond traditional approaches, Noor Al aydie
An investigation of cultural competence in teachers, Leslie Allison evola
Investigation and improvment of noise, vibration and harshness(nvh) properties of automotive panels, Mohammad Al zubi
Mechanistic Studies Of A Novel Ppar-Gamma Mutant That Causes Lipodystrophy And Diabetes, Olga Astapova
Sampling based progressive hedging algorithms for stochastic programming problems, Nezir Aydin
An integrated framework for freight forwarders:exploitation of dynamic information for multimodal transportation, Farshid Azadian
Bankruptcy and politics: a framework for bankruptcy policymaking in the united states congress and courts, Kevin Mandell Ball
Understanding the gender-based mechanism of mso in als mice: a metabolic characterization of the sod1-g93a mouse model, Monica Ann Bame
Enhancing the mechanical properties of a hydroxyapatite-collagen bone surrogate, Richard Franz Banglmaier
Gene duplication and the evolution of the higher diptera, Riyue Bao
Predictors of disorganized states of mind with regard to trauma in mothers with maltreatment histories, Ellen Patricia Barrett-becker
Reliability model for ductile hybrid frp rebar using randomly dispersed chopped fibers, Bashar Ramzi Behnam
Essays on impact of risk preference on health and occupational choice, Meenakshi Beri
An examination of relationship experiences in relation to loneliness and depressive symptomatology in emerging adulthood, Stephanie Bernardon
Polymeric nanocarriers for the regional and systemic delivery of therapeutics to and through the lungs, Balaji Bharatwaj
Predicting Vision Loss In Healthy Aging With Manganese-Enhanced Mri Of The Rat Eye, David Bissig
Toward an applied communication relational inqueery: autoethnography, co-constructed narrative, and relational futures, Derek M. Bolen
Child Welfare Professionals On Kinship Caregivers: Attitudes And Implications, Kimberly Ann Brisebois
Prudence and decorum and the invention of american democracy: an examination of the ratification debates for the federal constitution in 1787-88, Robert Bryan Brito
Analysis and modeling of roofer and steel worker fall accidents, Hulya Cakan
Robustness of the achievable benchmark of care method, Jeff Arthur Capobianco
Phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial and nuclear genes: a case study in the diptera (true flies), Jason Caravas
The relationship between faculty's pedagogical content knowledge and students' knowledge about diversity in online courses, Mitali Chaudhery
The role of cad,flash and fam129b in cancer cell survial and apoptosis, Song Chen