"Embracing Otherness: Counter-Colonial Discourses And Practices In Post-Unification Ea . . ." by Corrina Marie Peet

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Access Type

WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2023

Degree Type


Degree Name



Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

First Advisor

Lisabeth Hock


In this study, I add to existing scholarship in East German studies by contributing to our overall understanding of post-unification depictions of the East and the West and the ways in which competing representations of East Germans relate to one another. I will examine the development of the East German cultural imagination to determine if and how western discourse has influenced artists of East German origin and will contribute to discourse on stereotypes and counter-stereotypes as well as on post-colonialism and how it functions multi-directionally. I demonstrate how both the demonization of the GDR and extremes of Ostalgie diminished over time as East Germans took control of public discourse and disseminated more nuanced depictions of the GDR past.

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