"Aproximaciones Críticas Innovadoras En La Narrativa Española Del Siglo Xxi " by Paula Silvana Fecay

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award

January 2022

Degree Type


Degree Name



Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

First Advisor

Francisco J. Higuero


The purpose of this work is to investigate and analyze the concepts of death and absence in 5 Spanish novels of the XXI century. The novels are Esta pared de hielo (2005) by José María Guelbenzu, Mi querida Eva (2007) by Gustavo Martín Garzo, Laura y Julio (2008) by Juan José Millás, Nada que no sepas (2018) by María Tena and La llave 104 (2019) by Paz Castelló. These five Spanish novels are very different but have common elements that will be analyzed through a common lens, focusing on the death and absences in the novels but without ceasing to add other individualized approaches depending on each novel and its circumstance. Therefore, as stated above this analysis will not only be based on those main themes (death and absence) but also on others that will be added to complement the trajectory of development of the novels and to enrich this analysis of these XXI century novels. These complementary themes are based directly on each novel and its narrative trajectory. The theoretical conceptual framework of Walter Benjamin, Sylvia Molloy, Serge Doubrovsky, Sigmund Freud, Otto Rank, Martin Heidegger, Carlos Thiebaut and Augusto Ponzio will be used in this essay.
