"Vocational Compliance Teachers In The Dallas Independent School District’s Comprehens . . ." by Joslyn Shannon-Harmon

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Access Type

WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2021

Degree Type


Degree Name



Special Education

First Advisor

Susan Gabel


Too many students with disabilities leave secondary school without being connected to an agency. This is especially true for those students with more severe disabilities that require a modified curriculum. Students with disabilities learning in a modified curriculum often need more support during school and usually will need the same or more support upon graduation from secondary school. Most of these supports can be provided by an external agency. The purpose of this study was to determine why students in modified curricula within DISD are not connected to external agencies through an inquiry on what VCTs say their roles, responsibilities, and challenges of connecting students in modified curricula with external agencies are. This qualitative study used interpretivism as a research methodology. When researching individuals’ perspectives, interpretivism is the best methodology to give a holistic view of an event from the perspective of people experiencing the event. Interpretivism also allows the researcher to consider subjectively what participants report during the study.

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