"Curricular Inquiry: A Survey Of Writing Pedagogy Practicum Instructors " by Clare Jennifer Russell

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award

January 2020

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

Donnie Sackey

Second Advisor

Jeff Pruchnic


The practicum course, a required course for many new college writing instructors, is a vital site for identifying what are considered best practices in the teaching of college composition, but also for critiquing, revising, and reevaluating those practices. My dissertation contributes to the conversation about how Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) learn to teach college composition, and how what they learn in teaching practicum courses impacts graduate education in Rhetoric and Composition. My dissertation study focuses on the perspectives of instructors who design practica courses that prepare college writing instructors to teach first-year composition at their institutions. GTAs in Writing Studies, Rhetoric and Composition, and English Departments have already been the research subjects of numerous dissertations and publications, but the instructors themselves are not often the research focus.

Included in

Rhetoric Commons
