"Continuous Projections: The Unconscious Tensions And Investigations Of Jorge Luis Bor . . ." by Michael Christopher Anderson

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Access Type

WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2020

Degree Type


Degree Name



Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

First Advisor

Jorgelina Corbatta


This work seeks to establish a new literary genealogy between Jorge Luis Borges, Manuel Puig, Ricardo Piglia, and Alfred Hitchcok primarily through psychoanalytic criticism. Through the thematic investigations one will not only how these seemlingly disparate authors are connected but also begin to discover a universal method of creation. This is accomplished through the use of Sigmund Freud’s theories and contemporary interpretations to show how these authors viewed the world around them and then (re)interpreted it into their own work. The interpretations in the works of Borges and Hitchcock came to influence Puig, all of whom came to later influence Piglia. Therefore, by including Puig who has been typically excluded from previous literary genealogies, one can see a clear method of creation begin to emerge.

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