"Attitudes Toward Organ Donation Among Saudi Arabians " by Abdulaziz Fahad Alkaltham

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award

January 2020

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

Janet Hankin


The specific aim examined the relationship between Saudi Arabians’ attitudes toward organ donation and acculturation. The study tested the hypothesis that controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, Saudis who were more acculturated to Western culture would be more positive about organ donation.

A self-administrated Qualtrics questionnaire was distributed to the entire population of the College of the Social Sciences (approximately 12,000 faculty members, staff, and students) at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The instrument asked 63 questions about sociodemographic characteristics, acculturation, and attitudes about organ donation. The response rate was almost 8%, n=893. Students comprised 90.6% of respondents. Their mean age was 23.37 years, 74% were males, and the majority were raised in the Central Region of Saudi Arabia and resided in cities.

Factor analysis created three scales of acculturation: Interest in Western Media & Travel, Adopt Western Cultures, and Attachment to Saudi Culture. Using factor analysis, two scales emerged to measure attitudes about organ donation: Willingness to be a Living Organ Donor, and General Support for Organ Donation. Two questions were also used: Willingness to Sign Donor Registry and Willingness to Share Wishes about Organ Donation with Family. Linear and logistic regressions tested the hypothesis that controlling for age, gender, participants’ education, and income, acculturation would

predict organ donation attitudes.

All else equal, higher Interest in Western Media & Travel significantly predicted positive attitudes about increased willingness to become a live organ donor, higher general support for organ donation, greater willingness to grant permission to donate, and higher willingness to share wishes with their family about donation. Greater desire to Adopt Western Culture was significantly related to increased general support for organ donation. Increased Attachment to Saudi Culture significantly reduced general support for organ donation. Females were significantly more likely to have positive attitudes about organ donation. Both acculturation and organ donation attitudes are multidimensional, and their relationship depends on the type of acculturation and attitudes. Higher levels of acculturation to Western culture increased support for organ donation.

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Sociology Commons
