Access Type

Open Access Embargo

Date of Award

January 2019

Degree Type


Degree Name



Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

First Advisor

Jeremy Rickli


3D laser line scanners are becoming a powerful technology for capturing point cloud datasets and collecting dimensional information for many objects. However, the use of point cloud is limited due to many factors. These include the lack of on deep understanding of the effect of point cloud parameters on scan quality. This knowledge is critical to gaining an understanding of the measurement in point cloud. Currently, there are no adequate measurement procedures for 3D scanners. There is a need for standardized measurement procedures to evaluate 3D scanner accuracy due to uncertainties in 3D scanning, such as surface quality, surface orientation and scan depth [6]. The lack of standardized procedures does not allow the technology to be fully automated and used in manufacturing facilities

that would allow 100% in-line inspection. In this dissertation I worked on accomplishing four tasks that will achieve the objective of having a standardized measurement procedure that is critical to develop an automated laser scanning system to avoid variations and have consistent data capable of identifying defects. The four tasks are: (1) linking the robot workspace with the scanner workspace; (2) studying the effect of the scanning speed and the resolution on point cloud quality by conducting an experiment with systematically varied scan parameters on scan quality; (3) studying the overall error of that is associated with the transformation of the point cloud in a remanufacturing facility using additive manufacturing. The parameters that were tested are the effect of view angle, standoff distance, speed, and resolution. Knowing the effect of these parameters is important in order to generate the scan path that provides the best coverage and quality of points collected. There is also a need to know the impact of all the scanning parameters especially the speed and the resolution; (4) modeling a machine learning tool to optimize the parameters of different scanning techniques after collecting the scanning results to select the optimal ones that provide the best scan quality. With the success of this work, the advancement and practice of automated quality monitoring in manufacturing will increase.

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Engineering Commons
