"Examining World Language Teachers' Maximized Target Language Use In The Teaching Of N . . ." by Viviana Mirian Monica Muriel De Bonafede

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award

January 2018

Degree Type


Degree Name



Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Christina Passos DeNicolo


Current research in second language acquisition and best practice recommendations for world language teaching emphasize to importance of maximized Target Language (TL) use in the classroom. The purpose of this mixed method sequential explanatory design was to examine maximized TL use in the classroom with novice learners via implementing effective strategies. Chapter 1 provides an understanding on current world languages perspectives in the United States and the increasing and ongoing shift from the traditional ways to teaching languages to more communicative, meaningful language education. Chapter 2 unpacks the main constructs of Vygostky’s SCT (1978), which is the theoretical perspective that supports this research, in relationship with language learning. Chapter 3 explains in detail the method selected for both the quantitative and the qualitative phases of this research study, which includes the in-depth case study in a Spanish teacher’s classroom with novice learners. Chapter 4 explains the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, which includes a qualitative case study. Chapter 5 describes the conclusion and the five themes that emerged after a triangulation process on how effective world language teachers maximize TL use during world language instruction with novice learners.
